About Us

Design is omnipresent and we see it in everything. Every form of design brings us creative sustenance, whether it is architecture, couture, industrial design, cuisine art or motion graphics. As design evolves over time, branding advances into new and varied media.

While we hold the traditions of design in high regard, spotting local and global trends remains a ceaseless venture. A keen understanding of both helps us achieve an abundance of lateral creative leaps.

Since its foundation in 2005, Umbrella has quickly established itself in accomplishments and repute. It has been ranked #5 among all Design Agencies in India, six years in a row by The Economic Times.

Umbrella is one of the few specialty design houses to offer Logo Design, Brand & Corporate Identity, Design for Retail, Corporate & Industrial Spaces, Packaging, Visual Merchandising, Signage, Brochures, Magazines, Books, Annual Reports, Web Sites and Advertising.